Journey Groups Level Two
Journey Groups Level Two
As we journey toward transformation, we become more like Christ in ever more challenging circumstances. That’s what Journey Groups are all about!
Join us as we walk in the peace of Christ, even in times of distress. Learn to travel the path of transformation in a way that is consistent with God’s design for you.
In Level Two, you will find 4 units with a total of 30 lessons:
Unit One: Relational Skills in the Bible
Unit Two: Brain Pain and How to Help
Unit Three: Pathway to Transformation
Unit Four: Going to the Emotional Gym
Real life calls for real skills practiced in real community. Journey Groups will equip you and your community with those skills.
Amy Hamilton Brown is a content developer, author, trainer, and visionary. Some years ago, she found herself being transformed by the relational concepts of joy, appreciation, interactive connection with God, and heart-focused community. Over time, she began to envision small groups that could gather around these ideas, build friendships, and connect deeply with God. Out of that vision, Journey Groups were born.
We will not begin this book until January but we are all looking forward to continuing our study at the next level!
Our "Immanuel Group" just finished Level One and we're looking forward to starting Level Two in the New Year. Great curriculum for small groups!!